sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011


Monday !
Well after of long night when I don't sleep, let's go school :) :/, probaly a long day.
December is a month very hard for me, because I have holiday's Christmas and New Year.... Today I'm crying all time at THS, I need my friends and family together with me ...
It's very hard and long day ...
Back home I call my family :), stay on skype two or more hours :), after skype I feel better... I go to safeway with my dad and sister, we sing Christmas songs when go back home, very funny !!!
I'm very tired and my head hurts, because I'm crying a long time :/, going to bed and before my little brother asked me and see the little bit movie with me ...

Today I need need sleep ........
Eight (8) days !! :D

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